LinkedIn and Its Usefulness

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The results from our very unscientific LinkedIn survey are in, and the results are, well, mixed.  Our goal was to see how effective LinkedIn, probably the largest professional network worldwide, is for our clients and referral sources.  Of the respondents, about 1/3 provided professional services, another 20% were distributors while 25% offered services to consumers.  The balance was in a variety of professions.

Over half of the participants review LinkedIn 2-3 times a week, another quarter look daily while the rest rarely look.  When asked if this was the same as three year ago, about half said they look more today, a quarter said less while the balance indicated it was the same.

Only 10% advertised on LinkedIn but all deemed it only somewhat effective.

So, what do they use LinkedIn for, I asked? While many looked for clients and employees through LinkedIn, keeping track of colleagues and competitors was by far the most important response.

Of those few that quit LinkedIn, it was either not effective for them or too time consuming.

What did I conclude?

LinkedIn continues to be a source of information many of us use.  While sometimes my own landing page seems to hold more advertisements than information, I am guilty of indulging a few times a week.