As the chart below shows, our readers’ responses are mixed. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being strongly disagree and 10 being strongly agree, the weighted averages are below the midpoint for all questions. The first two questions ask about President Trump, the impact on him with the government shutdown and his stance with China on tariffs. The weighted average scores of those answers are 3.26 and 3.33.
Concern about ISIS is not strong. Global warming is seen as somewhat of an issue. The effect of Brexit on the world economy is not significantly important.
Reader Comments:
Totally agree with Trump’s stance against China. This is the best thing ever happen since Nazi regime prior to WW-2. China is Nazi-2 in a different kind of war since 10 years ago. The entire world should unite together to win the new era of war.
Global warming is an inaccurate statement. Global climate change is a real issue whether man made or natural it will be something that will continue to impact world economies.
Democrats should love America more than they hate President Trump. President Trump should behave like an adult!
Brexit is good for England, every country must stand on their own & take care of its economy.